We came back with the publication of another volume , this nº 5 April 1988. In this issue we highlight the following work of our associates:
"Notes Modern Açorianas" Rainer Daehnhardt
"Collecting letters - 4. Classifying the letters" (continued) by Joseph Fonseca
"Miscellaneous", work from our associated John P. Robertson
"I- Passwords and Valleys" by Jaime Saez Salgado
"About policies of John P. R" Adriano Filinto T. Trigo
"Recalling Chamico Notes" on the centenary of his death, Néstor Fatia Vital
"Family Ballot" by Adelino Semedo Barata
"What's New in Notes" António de Almeida Figueiredo
"Cheques" by Fernando Antunes
"Normalized Letter" by Néstor Fatia Vital.
These works continue to be of great interest to scholars and curious of these issues.
We will not stop here. We will continue and good reading.